Bloodmare (Chrome Horsemen MC, #1) Read online

Page 6

  "No, I don't. A lot of the girls, even the call girls, get hooked up on smack or some other filth in their veins. They wind up owing Gabriel in spite of the money they are pulling down, which, unfortunately, begins to become much less as the smack takes hold.

  "That shit is powdered death. I've watched beautiful, intelligent, skilled women, transformed into corner smack whores in months because of heroin. I’ve heard, but placed blinders around the possibility of it being true, that Gabriel intentionally gets some women addicted to heroin so that he can break down their wills and control them easier, that he forces them to shoot up."

  Her insides turned into watery disgust and revulsion at the idea of this really happening. "But you are right to ask," Nicole continued. "If I owed Gabriel anything, this would be a whole different story. I'd have to clear my debt, of course, which is always tricky. There are always residual fees, as he likes to call them. He likes us to owe him, but I don't. I'm clean and clear of any holds, and have money of my own.

  "The apartment," she explained, "is in a building Gabriel and some partners own. They'll evict me as soon as they can without much concern for things like laws or contracts or leases. So, basically, on Thursday when I don't show up, if you want to do it this week, he'll trash whatever I couldn't take—which, honestly, Cole, I don't give a shit about. I want some of my clothing, some of my shoes, my jewelry, and the stash I have of just-in-case money, with my laptop. That's it. Quick and dirty."

  "May I ask how much that stash amounts to?" Cole asked.

  "Twenty grand in hundreds, fifties, and twenties," she told him without hesitation.

  He nodded. "Caution would suggest next week and, after my last brush against something that should've gone down easy, I would like to ask that we tip our hats to caution. So, next week, when I arrive at your place to drop you off for the evening, we'll both bag and haul your things to the limo and bring it all over here. Then I'll drop the limo off and ride home.

  "With a week's notice, I can get Rat and a few of the other guys to help us haul things while keeping an eye on anyone trying to keep an eye on us. You mentioned the building is theirs. I'm guessing security is theirs, as well. I doubt we'll be able to make more than two trips before someone is rolling up to stop you or hassle you."

  "Trucks would be better, Cole. No one would know I was running to you then," she suggested.

  He agreed with that, on the belief that the less anyone knew about where she was running, the better.


  They continued to discuss the details of the move, refining it, pressing some issues, and letting others take care of themselves. Nicole was more excited than she could ever remember being. This was life, real life, and she cared!

  "Am I going to be a burden on you, Cole? I mean, financially?" Nicole asked, trying to feel out his current financial situation. Hers was good, considering she wasn't attempting to retire in style, just live in the ‘burbs with her handsome man and ride his bike whenever time allowed.

  "No, I'm good and I have stashes, too, so it would probably be wise to re-stash your just-in-case money somewhere you can get a hold of it. I doubt that we'll need to dip any time soon. Of course, I don't live above my means. Are you going to miss the luxurious life?"

  "Not at all," she sighed and leaned against him. "I'm so into being your woman, Cole. I'm so glad you asked me that day to ride with you. This is the life I want. And your house is where I want to live," she told him.

  "Welcome then, ma'am. I do hope you have a pleasant stay," he said with a slow country voice.

  "Well thank you kind, sir. I believe I will if I can ever get that man of mine to take me to bed," she replied all Southern and sash. Then she laughed at him.

  Cole reached over and pulled her across his lap laying a smack solidly on her ass with the flat of his hand.

  She squealed with laughter and mock insult while kicking her legs, "Cole! Don't you dare spank me!" The smack was loud, but it didn’t hurt at all. She hoped that was the result he was after.

  Then he began to handle her and with deft motions and surprising speed; he removed her skirt unzipped and pulled down her panties to her knees. The feeling of being so easily unwrapped like this was unnerving and exhilarating at the same time.

  She cried out and struggled to get away. She even slapped at his arms and wiggled fiercely in his grasp. She may have slowed him, certainly she was annoying him, but moments later, while struggling for all she was worth, she lost her blouse and bra. Now nude, with her panties around her knees, she was feeling oddly ecstatic and competitive, as well as defiant about the ease he was getting what he wanted and doing what he wanted.

  She was about to bite his arm when she was suddenly being lifted up in his arms as he rose with her from the couch. He did this with ease, showing no outward sign of her causing him a burden. Once standing, he stripped her panties down her legs by first tossing her body over his shoulder and then sliding them the rest of the way down, while she kicked and screamed curses, and spanked at his ass.

  "Cole! You brute! Put me down!" she yelled, and then with begging capitulations she tried, "Please Cole. I can't look sexy for you like this!"

  "You would look sexy in burlap, riding a pig through the wetlands," he told her as he repositioned her into the cradle of his arms as if she weighed little more than the Sunday paper.

  "Cole! This is our first time! This is very undignified," she complained, pushing at his chest. "Down! Let me walk! I want to go the room for crying out loud! I want you in there with me! Why can’t you just let me walk?"

  As he crossed the threshold of his bedroom with her and before she could say anything, she was tossed into the air to land with bounces that flopped her in rag-doll ways on the king-size mattress.

  "Cole! I'm so going to get you for this!" she giggled as she got her body under control and then with a blur of speed, she bolted from the bed, heading back for the open door—her pampered crème skin glowing with excursion.

  She had no idea large man like Cole could move as fast as he did or with such physical grace, and control. He not only caught her, he caught her around the waist and spun her up into the air where she floated for a moment with a scream, and then swooped her into and arch that flowed with her falling direction and landed her back on the bed.

  "If you do that again," he warned with casual authority, "I'll find every ticklish spot you have and make you pee yourself."

  That threat really did shock her. "You wouldn't dare!" she gasped in low, disbelieving denial.

  "Oh, yes I would. I'm not exactly refined, but I do love a good tickle," he nodded and stripped his shirt.

  Suddenly seeing him like this took most of the fun out of trying to run. She bit her lip and was considering another dash when he pulled his pants apart and slid them down his long legs. Then Cole was naked, tan, built, and his cock was reaching full arousal before her, which took up most of her concentration. After a few indulgent moments, she glanced at the door again, judging her chances.

  "Go ahead," he said, giving a hinting glance at the door. "I dare you. I triple dirty dog dare you to try it. I’m not into seeing women pee, but in this case, I feel it might be oddly fulfilling."

  She looked at the door again licking her upper lip line. He was further away from it now, deeper in the room. She might make it out to the living room before he caught up with her.

  Tension vibrated her back and legs with pent up energy, ready to explode her out of bed.

  Would he really make me pee? How much tickling is that? Minutes? Dear God, hours? As she appraised his body and wondered at the suffrage endured during an hour long tickling, she decided if she was caught and the tickling started, there would be no chance of her escaping until he was done—not from those hands, powered by those arms. It would be over. All over but the dire-laughter—and the wet spot of course.

  "What the hell does that mean?" she challenged, sounding more defiant than she felt. "Dirty triple scoop pansy ass ... wh
at was the rest?"

  Then Cole rushed her.


  She squealed, trying to get her body to shift her center of gravity so she could flee, but failed to be fast enough to fly away. She clawed desperately across the mattress. A hand was suddenly clamped around her left calf and then her right ankle was clasped in his other hand.

  She lunged her body toward the headboard and just as she did, he pulled and lifted her legs off the mattress. She was airborne, a shriek of surprise bursting from her breasts, as Cole pulled her backward toward the edge the bed where he was standing, letting go so that she belly flopped onto the mattress again.

  "Cole! You let me go! What are you going to do to me!?" she laughed, going into a wildcat frenzy of arms, and legs while whipping her bright blonde hair around.

  "Well, for starters, I intend to fuck you silly," he told her.

  She instantly calmed down, "Oh, well, if that's what you want to do," she giggled and leapt up to wrap her arms around his neck, struggling to pull him into the bed, "Get in here, you big tease!"

  In a lover's tangle, they hit the mattress together and she squirmed, and writhed until she was on top of him, and engulfing his cock with her mouth.

  She loved this playtime he started, absolutely loved it. Did he know? Could he feel how concerned she was about her own sexuality and what her atrophied self could offer him?

  After that rumpus playtime, though, she was immersed into bubbling clouds of hyper joy. Playing, and running, and defying him made the green glowing power of her fears turn into will-o-wisps, which are only dangerous if you follow them.

  She only sucked on his cock for perhaps five or six minutes just to bring him to a solid hardness. The thickness of his cock was a bit disconcerting and had her biting her lip when she thought about him pounding into her. She straddled him while mentally and spiritually opening herself to large-scale newness. His cock, she theorized, was going to bring arousal differently that she was accustomed to. It was both thicker and longer than she was experienced with. Such potential for new forms of stimulation would most likely reveal some form of new responsiveness in her.

  After some thought along these likes, she theorized that the sensations would, logically, be something different than—just more. Perhaps something wholly different than even previously thought impossible. A radical alteration like that who be very rewarding.

  The stretching and filling sensations from his cock breaching her opening were thrilling and her body’s reactions were decidedly different already. She religiously observed and recorded her body’s reactions with as much detail as she could for her research and study of sexual stimulation and related subjects. She knew what reactions to expect from a hard cock entering her pussy and what was expected, wasn’t going on.

  Her excitement with having a new experience in this area was close to blistering. She had been certain for some time that her sexual experience had reached its limits as far as intercourse was concerned. It seemed see was about to be introduced to a fresh perspectives.

  Once the head of his cock had stretched her opening enough to begin working the rest of him, she became more aggressive with the grinding motions of her hips, changing her simple pushing down method into circular, tenacious exertions created by the harmonization of the effort of her ass, thighs and hips, using all of those muscle groups to create a powerful, and comfortable gyration designed to drill Cole’s cock inside of her while giving him some new stimulations too.

  The first unexpected experience came to her not by means of her erogenous zones where her observation was focused, but by the awareness of a heightened feeling of intimacy with Cole. She felt like she could feel his emotions, she was so connected to him.

  This connection with him also felt like it was continuing to open her up, promising even greater access to his experience. The effect of this heightened closeness was creating unexpected physical stimulations, as well, and these vibrations were coming from unexpected areas.

  They were coming from her erogenous zones.

  The alterations were maddeningly dissimilar to any previous experience she could recall.

  Everyone, of course, has erogenous zones around their body, which are places that if simulated or incited by various means, will raise the level of sexual arousal of the body as a whole. There is a set of common zone areas that everyone possesses and whose responses are, on the whole, predictable, such as the pussy, or the cock, or the ass and breasts. The nipples and anus fit into this grouping, as well.

  Then there was a set of zones that are common in location with nearly everyone, but not so predictable in the resulting response. An example of these areas might be the nape of the neck, or the back of the knee. At both of these areas, kisses, and correctly performed caresses, might arouse the body as a whole, but not to the same degree for everyone. In fact, some people may report that they were more annoyed by the attempted stimulations than anything else. Some might report that simulation in those areas made their knees weak.

  Another set of zones is one comprised of areas whose locations and effectiveness are apt to be widely different from you and the person sitting next to you on the bus. The levels of response are normally different, but so are the locations of these areas. For Nicole, a good example of this was the front of her thighs. Deeply caressed by a good strong hand, the top of her thigh was as arousing as fondling her ass. Not everyone had this response to stimulation in that area and, if they did, the effects could be greatly different.

  Further down the path, we come to the set of areas that comprise a wholly different type zone. On the whole, the previous types of zones excite the body and raise arousal levels from the ground level. They are “starting points”. Rubbing your clit is going to eventually excite you at any time of day and even under conditions where sex is not really on your mind. It is chemistry and electric impulses. Hardwired.

  This next set of areas isn’t like that. These are areas of the body only exist after you have already reached a higher level of arousal – a noticeable level. A perfect example of this for Nicole is her hair. Pulling her hair is, in no way, stimulating during the normal course of the day and might just get you kicked. However, with her arousal level increasing unexpectedly fast as she continued to work Cole’s cock inside of her pussy, she was quickly approaching a level of arousal where pulling her hair would be more effective. In fact, it was close to sounding like a good idea.

  After achieving an even higher level, perhaps after her first climax, pulling her hair would be a great idea and would likely spike her body so effectively she could have another orgasm just from that stimulation—just by adding to the mix the single, brief, excitation of pulling a hand full of hair and giving her head a good yank while continuing to fuck her.

  Saying something like, “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you!” in a deep, aggressive tone, wouldn’t be a bad idea either – just saying.

  Again, this zone is non-existent during the normal course of the day and performing this stimulation on her, even with a deep, aggressive voice, would only incite her to scream “Rape!” and then claw her assailant’s eyes out.

  Nicole was well versed and deeply studied in these areas of knowledge. She also had several years of experience with dedicated experimentations, lab notes, and a wide subject base to work with, comprised of men who were normally quite forward with her when she inquired about particular results and stimulations. Because of her years of delving into this area, she wrongly believed that there was little for her to expand on and no experiences with her personal zones that would surprise her.

  She was deeply and wonderfully surprised by just how wrong she was.


  From her observations of herself to this point, there were two new developments, which she believed were clear enough and important enough to pay particular attention to. There might be more available, but her ability to think logically and to assess herself in a detached manner was deteriorating rapid
ly; in fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if her first climax came before she got his cock all the way in.

  The first development she observed was that her growing connection of intimacy with Cole was literally changing her body’s chemistry. The feeling of his hands on her thighs was not arousing her at expected levels. In fact, the result was far beyond simple arousal—it was an excruciating aphrodisiac, which she had no words for and no previous experience to compare – and it was growing. She was certain of it. She felt much more aware of him now than she did only a short time ago.

  The second development, she observed, suggested that her rising level of intimacy was more or less controlled by his cock. The deeper she managed to work him in, the more rewarding it was on every level of her awareness – mental and spiritual included. Thus, his cock was also the true controlling aspect of the physical responses expected from her erogenous zones, as described before.

  She nearly laughed when the idea crossed her mind that Cole’s cock was therefore a possible tool for humans to achieve enlightenment.

  “It’s a fucking god,” she groaned through gritted teeth as she exerted more effort into her ass, hip, and thigh rotations, drilling his cock harder into her depths, resulting in an amazingly electric and galvanizing degree of global arousal. “Fuck, I love your cock, Cole! Shit!”

  While it wasn’t a true development, she noticed something else with growing concern, a concern that was developing into alarm. She observed that the aches and agonies, the rushes of pleasure and other emotionally charged events resulting from her fierce efforts to grind his cock in were on display. They were being communicated physically without her design or consent. As these stimulating events occurred, such as the growing ache in her pussy to get him inside, they were reflected instantly by a physical display of body language, communicating the occurrence of these events.

  For example, she may feel a rush of pleasure and sway with it, or suddenly convulse unexpectedly because of an agony in her clitoris; her abs rolled and her hips twisted reflexively when other events occurred. A swooning wave of bliss may make her hands into claws or alter the rhythmic gyrations of her hips. She watched with dismay, several times, as her hand shot to her nipple and pulled, reflexively creating a counter stimulation to the one threatening her.